× Hello Everyone, over the next few weeks we'll be updating all of the US FishFinder websites. During this time some pages will be in the new layout and some in the old layout. There may also be some outages or broken functionality but we'll attempt to resolve it as quickly as possible. If you'd like to be notified when the update is completed please sign up to our newsletter by clicking here.
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This section is primarily designed to help you with navigating and working with the interactive map. In the future we will expand this area to cover more aspects of the site. If you have any specific questions or comments not answered here, please feel free to contact us and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.


Below are answers to some frequently asked questions on the site.

1. What is the difference between a user trip and a fishing location?
2. As I zoom and pan around on the map, not all the fish icons are showing up. Why is that?
3. What is a "ranking score"?
4. What are trips and how do I create one?
5. How do I add a video to my profile?
6. How can I share my current map view with others?
7. I am unable to post to the message board or login to the site correctly?
8. What is My Tackle Box?

Map Navigation:

Layer List
Layer List In the upper right corner of the map, is the layer list. If the layer list is not visible, simply click the + sign in the upper right corner of the map to expand it.

The layer list allows you to turn different "layers" on or off. For example, if you are interested in looking at topography, you can click on the radio button for "Topography" in the layer list. The map will automatically refresh and change to the layer selected.

Some layers that are available to view include satellite imagery, topography, roads, real-time precipitation, USGS water level data, fishing locations, user photos and hotspots.

Note: Photos and Hotspots are only visible if you have loaded a user trip onto the map.

Slider Bar & Location Information
Slider Bar and Pan Buttons In the upper left corner is the slider bar and pan buttons. On the slider bar, you can click either the + button to zoom in, or the - button to zoom out. You can also click and drag the slide bar up or down to zoom in or out.

Above the slider bar, you will see the pan control. This allows you to move North, South, East and West. Simply click on the arrow in the direction you want to move, and the map will move in that direction.

Scale & Longitude/Latitude Information
If you look closely in the lower right corner of the map, you will see both the scale of the map and the longitude/latitude (in decimal degrees) of wherever your mouse is positioned. If you have a handheld GPS unit, this information can be very useful to finding exact fishing spots. Scale

Tackle Box
Tackle Box Next to the map, you can find additional tools in our "Tackle Box". Below is a list of available tools in the tackle box.

Navigate Map:
The navigate map tool allows you to pan around on the map. Once you select this tool, simply click and hold the left mouse button down on the map and drag. The map will begin to move as you drag the mouse. When you want to stop moving, just let go of the left mouse button.

Zoom In:
To zoom in, first select the tool from the tackle box. Next, click and drag a box around the location you want to zoom in to. The map will zoom to that location. Note: You can also use the zoom in tool any time by holding down the shift key and dragging the mouse.

Zoom Out:
Press this button to zoom you out one zoom level from your current view. This is the same as pressing the zoom out button on the slider bar or dragging the slider down one level.
Zoom In Example
Zoom to Max Extent:
This will zoom the map out to the full view of the state. You can think of this tool as a reset button.

Find Location
This tool allows you to search for and zoom to predefined lakes, rivers and streams on the map. You can also search for a specific address or latitude/longitude to zoom to. This is very useful if you know the exact location of where you want to fish, such as the coordinates from a recent boating trip, and want to plot it on the map.

2007 Angler's Guide:
This will popup the 2007 PA Anglers Guide from the DEP. This contains a lot of information on fishing regulations, creel limits, etc.

Txt Messages from the Field:
This will popup a list of TXT or PIX messages our users have sent us using their mobile phones. This is very useful, because our users can send reports in real time from their mobile phones to our website. If you are interested in sending any TXT or PIX messages to us while you are out fishing, simply send the message to "text@pafishfinder.com" using your mobile phone. Below is an example of how to send a message:

1. First on your mobile phone select "New TXT Message" or "New PIX Message". Exact verbage may vary per phone.
2. In the "To" field enter: text@pafishfinder.com (This is where you would normally enter a phone number, but in our case you need to enter this email address)
3. Enter a message of 160 characters or less in the body of the TXT message. If you are sending a PIX message, add your photo now.
4. Send your message. Users on our website will instantly see your post and know fishing conditions around the state.

The legend shows you what different symbols on the map represent. You are able to click each symbol on the map to view more information on that location. The image to the right shows you what happens when you click on a fish icon. Click Icon

Creating a Trip:

Below is a video we put together showing you step by step how to create a trip. We figured this would be a much better way to show you how to create and share a trip rather than just writing about it. We apologize that the video is slightly blurry, but hopefully you are still able to follow.

Editing a Trip:

At anytime you can edit a trip by going to the "My Trips" tab and scrolling down to your trip in the list. Next to your trip, you can click the "Edit" button to edit your trip on the map (aka "Edit Mode"). While in "Edit Mode", use the tools in the Tackle Box to add photos and hotspots to the map. You can also click on existing photos and hotspots to either edit or delete them. In addition, there is a link in the Tackle Box called "Edit Trip Details" that allows you to change the date of the trip, its details, and who is allowed to view the trip.

Trip Statistics:

Trip statistics are calculated based on the trips you create. You must have at least one trip with a "Fishing Hotspot" plotted in order to view trip statistics. The statistics are calculated based on all of the hotspots plotted, the number of fish caught at each hotspot, their weight/length, and the date of each trip. In addition, a list of each species of fish and the number that you have caught so far are shown. A "View Details" button will also appear next to any species of fish that you have caught to allow you to drill down to specific details on that species. The statistics provide a great way to keep track of all the fish you catch and track your improvements month-to-month and season-to-season.

User Rankings:

In order to award those who contribute to the site, we have set up a ranking system for users. Basically, you earn points for every trip, message board post, photos, and reviews you add to the site. The more points that you earn, the higher your user ranking becomes and the more bragging rights you have. Below is the breakdown of the ranking system:

Points Earned
1 point
1 point
1 point
Trip Reviews:
1 point
Trip Comments:
1 point
Location Reviews:
1 point
Location Comments:
1 point
Locations Added:
1 point
Note: When you add a location, you automatically get a point for an edit as well, so in reality you earn 2 points when you add a location.
Locations Edited:
1 point
Message Board Posts:
1 point
Fish Species Comment:
1 point
Fish Species Recipe:
1 point
Fish Species Edited:
1 point

Points Required

Shark Rank
10000 Points

Marlin Rank
5000 Points

Swordfish Rank
2500 Points

Striped Bass Rank
1000 Points

Largemouth Rank
500 Points

Smallmouth Rank
250 Points

Panfish Rank
100 Points

Rainbow Trout Rank
50 Points

Brook Trout Rank
25 Points

Baitfish Rank
0 Points
Special Awards
Points Required

Top Photographer
Achieved by adding 100 or more photos

Top Chef
Achieved by adding 5 or more recipes

Gone Fishin
Create 20 or more trips

Fish Critic
Review 25 or more trips and locations

Leader Board
Add 250 or more posts to the Message Board

Friendly Fisherman
Have 25 or more friends on the site

Site Moderator
Awarded based on contributions to the site

More awards coming soon...
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